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2003 ~ 30th Class Reunion

August 16, 2003

The Holiday Inn on the Bay

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30th Class Reunion: We are pretty sure we have identified everyone correctly. Thanks to all who helped!

Front row: Gail Winters, Alise Gibbs, Tom Hanley, Cathy Munoz, Isy Wunder, Debbie Jordan, Kathy Hawes, Mike Meeker, Terri Beers

Second row: Lila Bain, Chris Manley, Monique Caron, Julie Grajeda, Dana Brooks, Vickie Barrows, Peggy Colombo, Patty Colombo, Carline Manzano, Barbara Vásquez, Maria Garcia, Donna Campbell

Third row: Vicki Clement, Edith Rodgers, Kathy Dobbins, Linda Weedon, Debra Bane, Betty Bledsoe, Debbie Johnston, Peggy Bain, Debbie Slesnick, Linda McCracken, Debbie Carmichael, JoEllen Quevedo, Jennie Londot, Jeri Webb,  Bonnie Fawver

Back row: Gaylyn Lisko, Leslie Begg, Kathy Bonner, Chris Leonard, Mark Waterman, Bill Boyd, Jim Joiner, Bob Cave, Leonard Munoz, Ed Cosio, Pepe Bravo, Fernando Solano, Cesar Maciel, Keith Cotarelo, Bob Silvas, Noboru Flores, Hunter Butler

Photos courtesy of  Kip Cothran, K.C. Photography.

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