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50th Reunion Attendees

Thank you so much for joining

in the celebration!

(Guest = +)

Click here to see an interactive map of where

classmates traveled from!


1973 Last Name, First Name

Bailey, Debra+

Bain, Lila+

Bain, Peggy

Bane, Debra+

Barrows, Vickie+

Barrows, Robin

Beat, Janet

Begg, Leslie

Bonner, Kathy+

Boyd, William+

Bravo, Pepe+

Brooks, Dana

Butler, Hunter

Cabral, Gracie

Campbell, Donna

Caron, Monique+

Cave, Bob

Chaffee, Doug

Clement, Vicki+

Colombo, Patty+

Colombo, Peggy

Cosio, Ed+

Cotarelo, Keith+

Crine, Diana+

Currier, Greg+

Dobbins, Kathy+

Douglas, Terry+

Drake, Dennis

Eley, Peter Jonathan

Fawver, Bonnie

Flores, Noboru

Garcia, Manuel+

Garcia, Maria

Gay, Cathy

Grajeda, Julie+

Gray, Shelly

Guillen, Diane

Hice, Carmen

Hoffman, Karen

Johnson, Susan

Johnston, Debbie

Joiner, Jim+

Jones, Leah+

Lattarulo, Beth

Lisko, Gaylyn+

Lizarraga, Bruno+

Llamas, Bertha+

Lopez, Dolores

Macasieb, Theresa+

Macias, Sergio

Maciel, Cesar

Madrigal, Peter+

Manzano, Carline

Melby, Joe

Mills, George

Mitra, Carol+

Morales, Maria

Muñoz, Cathy+

Muñoz, (Joe) Leonard

Murphy, Jackie

Paul, Alan+

Payea, Patty

Quevedo, JoEllen+

Rackliff, Jack+

Rodgers, Edith+

Sanchez-Alvarez, Edmundo+

Savin, Cynthia

Sayers, Audrey+

Senter, Gail

Shafer, Sue

Silvas, Bob

Takashima, Goody

Tisnado, Peter

Vásquez, Barbara

Waterbury, Steve

Waterman, Mark+

Webb, Jeri

Weedon, Linda+

Winters, Gail+

Wooten, Inez

Wunder, Isy

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